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The Identiflyer Lyric 3 Super SongCard Set comes with 3 two-sided Super SongCards. The Cards and Birds are as follows:

Forest- Broad-Winged Hawk, Great Crested Flycatcher, Ruffed Grouse, Red-Eyed Vireo, Great Horned Owl, Hermit Thrush, Pileated Woodpecker, Ovenbird, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Scarlet Tanger

Field & Meadow- Northern Harrier, Upland Sandpiper, American Kestrel, Field Sparrow, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Bobolink, Northern Bobwhite, Eastern Meadowlark, Killdeer, Western Meadowlark

Forest Edge- Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Brown Thrasher, Red-Tailed Hawk, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-Billed Cuckoo, Yellow-Breasted Chat, Least Flycatcher, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, White-Eyed Vireo, Indigo Bunting

Lakes & Rivers- Common Loon, Common Merganser, Great Blue Heron, Osprey, Tundra Swan, Bald Eagle, Canada Goose, Ring-Billed Gull, Mallard, Belted Kingfisher

Marsh & Wetlands- Pied-Billed Grebe, Common Moorhen, American Bittern, American Coot, Green Heron, Spotted Sandpiper, Wood Duck, Marsh Wren, Virginia Rail, Swamp Sparrow

Birds of the Night- Black-Crowned Night-Heron, Great Horned Owl, American Woodcock, Barred Owl, Barn Owl, Common Nighthawk, Eastern Screech Owl, Whip-Poor-Will, Western Screech Owl, Northern Mockingbird

Super SongCards are 2 sided and are only compatible with the Identiflyer Lyric.